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Tourism is undoubtedly one of the world’s largest and most profitable industries, with $8.27 trillion in revenue every year. With this enormous number, many people believe that traveling requires a lot of money. But this is not entirely true. Traveling can be quite cheap or even profitable if you know where to look.

We at Bright Side love traveling and encourage our readers to see as much of the world as they can. Here is the list of services that will have you ready to pack your suitcase and head out the door to explore the world!

1. Farming and volunteering

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If you see traveling as more than just laying on a beach and doing nothing, WWOOF may be a good choice. The organization connects farm owners around the globe with young people who are eager to help them in exchange for accommodation and food. You can apply to any type of job almost everywhere — from making cheese in Italy to sowing seeds in Cambodia. Other great services that provide you with similar opportunities are Workaway and HelpX. And if you’re afraid that the work will take a lot of time — don’t worry, the volunteers usually work for only a few hours a day.

2. House-sitting

A great opportunity for those who are looking for free accommodation. You are offered to take care of someone’s home — watering the plants or feeding their pets while they are on vacation. In exchange, you get a free place to stay. The services that are ready to offer you such a chance include Housecarers, TrustedHousesitters, and MindMyHouse. If you’re planning to go to Australia, check out HousesitWorld, HappyHousesitters, or AussieHousesitters.

3. Nursing

If you’re a nurse, then we’ve got some great news for you! You can travel for free and even get paid in places like Hawaii and Florida. TravelNursing, for instance, offers several programs that will allow you to travel around the US. Each assignment lasts around 8 to 26 weeks. With this service, a nurse can make about $10,000 a month. Along with the provision of food and accommodation.

4. Work in a cruise ship

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You can find yourself a job on a cruise ship and travel for free. Here are 2 great services that may be helpful in finding short-term vacancies: Carnival and RoyalCaribbean. There is also a website that can help you crew a yacht. Check out CrewSeekers.

5. Explore your roots

If your ancestors came from different countries, chances are that you can travel for free to their homelands. The Hungarian Human Rights Foundation, for instance, runs ReConnectHungary. The fund allows young Hungarian-Americans to take a 2-week trip to Hungary where the students will have a chance to study the country’s culture and history. The fund covers everything including the airfare from New York to Budapest, accommodation, food, and the entertainment program. Similar programs are provided by HeritageGreece (for Greek descendants), BirthrightArmenia (for Armenian descendants), LoveBoatStudyProgram (for Chinese or Taiwanese descendants), and BirthrightIsrael (Jewish descendants).

6. Organize a trip

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For those of you who have great organization skills, this option may be perfect. All you have to do is plan a group trip for your friends or relatives and find a travel operator that will be willing to cover your costs. With the last one we will help you, of course. YMTVacations, for instance, gives you a free trip if you gather a group of 12 enthusiasts taking a trip together. Among other organizations with similar altruistic offers are SelectInternationalTours, MeritGroupTravel, GrandCircleCruiseLine, and AllAboardTravel. And if you’re a teacher who is looking for a trip abroad with your students, these services might be helpful: Explorica, CHAEducationalTours, and EFTours.

7. Hitchhike and carpool

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Looking for a companion to share your journey? Hitchhiking or carpooling may be a great option for you. Check out websites like Hitchhikers, Erideshare, and Compartir.

8. Make your own adventure!

A lot of us just dream of spending some time skiing and snowboarding in France or Austria. What if we told you that not only can you do that for free, but you can also get paid to do it! The website AdventureWork offers you several jobs in the adventure area. This service can help you can find a temporary job in resorts in Italy, the US, Austria, France, and etc. In exchange for your “work”, if you can really call it that, the company covers your meal and accommodation expenses and even pays you a small stipend.

9. Help others practice English

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Diverbo is a service that offers the English speakers a chance of free vacations. If you are fluent in English (and if you’re reading this, you most likely are), spend a week with foreigners in Spain or Germany and help them improve their language skills. Other great resources for finding a job as an English teacher include TEFL.com and ESLCafe. The postings here usually range from 9 to 24 months so it’s not the best option for those who are planning a short vacation.

10. Other helpful websites:

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Stay with locals and explore the cities with other travelers — CouchSurfing. Fly smart and choose the cheapest airlines — RyanAir, EasyJet, FlyMonarch. Rent out your house while traveling — HomeExchange, Homebase-Hols.

We hope this information will help you make your traveling dreams come true! Share your travel experiences in the comments below. We’d especially love to hear your experience with these services if you’ve already used them!

Preview photo credit bedandbreakfast, diverbo